News media
1. Newsletter disclaimers
These disclaimers can help a publisher to manage the copyright and liability issues arising out of the publication of newsletters.
2. News website terms and conditions
News websites come in many shapes and sizes, from generalist newspaper sites with millions of readers to specialist journals covering a very particular area or field. This terms and conditions template has been designed to deal with the specific legal issues that commonly affect such websites.
The template includes special clauses covering: the representation of different viewpoints on a website, reader comments and RSS news ...
3. News and affiliate website terms and conditions
These T&Cs are designed for websites that marry news content with affiliate income - a common pairing.
They include provisions covering both casual visitors and registered users. Whilst casual visitors will not usually be asked to give any specific agreement to the T&Cs, registered users should be required to agree the T&Cs as part of the registration process.
Clauses in these T&Cs ...