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How does Docular work?

1. Find the template you need

Use our search box or category browser to find the template you need. Each template has a short description and a contents list to help you choose.

Find the template you need
Get the template

2. Get the template

Click Buy now - or add the template to your shopping cart and search for another template. We also have lots of free templates you can use without providing payment details.

3. Create an instance

An instance is your copy of the template. You can edit your instance to get exactly the document you need. Some licence types allow you to create multiple instances.

Create an instance
Edit your instance

4. Edit your instance

Edit your instance quickly and accurately using our powerful online editor. You can save at any time and come back later to continue editing.

5. Download your document

Once you're happy with your edits, download your document. You can download the document as a PDF, HTML, RTF and/or DOCX (Microsoft Word) file.

Download your document
Make more changes

6. Make more changes

You can come back and make further edits at any time and then re-download the edited document.

7. Use your document

You can use the document in your own business. Alternatively, you can allow your client to use a document you have purchased.

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