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Non-exclusive distribution agreement (premium)

Distributorships are usually classified as either exclusive or non-exclusive. This agreement is suitable for use in relation to non-exclusive distributorships, where third parties may be appointed to distribute the products in the same market as the distributor, and indeed the supplier may itself distribute the products in that market.

Although this is a non-exclusive document, it retains the concept of a territory for the distributor, such that the distributor must not actively distribute the products outside that territory. This allows for the supplier to grant exclusive distributorships to others in relation to other territories.

The agreement includes a set of T&Cs of supply, attached as a schedule and so easily substituted in appropriate cases.

This document is an extended version of our standard non-exclusive distribution agreement. In addition to the clauses in that document, this one includes provisions covering order forecasting, after-sales support, change control, trade mark licensing, publicity and supplier indemnities. It also contains more detailed general clauses.

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Non-exclusive distribution agreement (premium) contents

  1. Definitions: definitions.
  2. Term: commencement of term; end of term.
  3. Non-exclusive distributorship: appointment of non-exclusive distributor; distribution restrictions on 
    the Distributor
  4. Distributor
    distribution obligations;
     not agent etc; general second party obligations; second party responsible for third party co-operation;
     must not give product warranties etc;
     must comply with laws etc; protection of first party reputation and goodwill.
  5. Supplier
    marketing support; protection of second party reputation and goodwill.
  6. Order procedure: pre-order negotiations for the supply of products; order procedure for products; products supply subject to terms and conditions.
  7. Forecasting: delivery of product order forecasts; content of product order forecasts; product order forecasts not binding; obligation to purchase and supply forecasted products.
  8. After-sales support: Obligation to provide first line support; obligation to provide second line support.
  9. No assignment of Intellectual Property Rights: no assignments of intellectual property rights.
  10. Licence of
    Trade Marks
    licence to use trade marks; sub-licensing of rights to use trade marks; trade mark style guide; standard of use of trade marks; use of trade mark symbols; prohibition on actions liable to damage trade marks; restrictions relating to similar trade marks; goodwill in trade marks; trade marks further assurance; exceptions to territorial restrictions in trade mark licence; specific request to cease use of trade marks; right to make reasonable demands in relation to use of trade marks; identify trade mark licensor on each public use; no assignment of trade marks; no implied rights to trade marks; trade marks upon termination.
  11. Change control: application of section to change requests; request changes at any time; change control notice to be in designated form; actions upon receipt of a change control notice; changes only take effect upon agreement of CCN.
  12. Charges: obligation to pay charges; amounts inclusive or exclusive of VAT; increases in charges for products; variation of charges.
  13. Payments: issue of invoices for products; time for payment of charges following invoice; payment methods; interest on late payments.
  14. Confidentiality obligations: first party confidentiality undertaking; second party confidentiality undertaking; disclosure of confidential information to certain persons; exceptions to confidentiality obligations; disclosures of confidential information mandated by law etc; parties to stop using confidential information upon termination; parties to delete confidential information following termination; confidentiality obligations after termination.
  15. Publicity: limited public disclosures; limited public disclosures by first party; limited public disclosures by second party; confidentiality obligations overriding.
  16. Warranties: first party warranty of authority; second party warranty of authority; exclusion of implied warranties and representations.
  17. Distributor
    second party indemnifies first party upon breach.
  18. Supplier
    first party indemnifies second party (products); conditions upon first party indemnity; limitations of liability vs indemnities.
  19. Limitations and exclusions of liability: caveats to limits of liability; interpretation of limits of liability; no liability for force majeure; no liability for loss of profits; no liability for loss of revenue; no liability for loss of use; no liability for loss of opportunities; no liability for loss of data or software; no liability for consequential loss; child contract liability cap; aggregate liability cap upon services contract.
  20. Force Majeure Event: obligations suspended for force majeure; force majeure notification and information; mitigation of effects of force majeure.
  21. Termination: termination without cause (optionally asymmetric); termination by either party without cause; termination upon breach; termination upon insolvency.
  22. Effects of termination: surviving provisions upon termination; termination does not affect accrued rights.
  23. Anti-corruption: mutual assurance of compliance with anti-corruption laws; mutual obligation to notify anti-corruption law breaches;
     anti-corruption obligations for associated persons; parties to maintain books and records relating to payments and benefits;
     to comply with 
     anti-corruption policy;
     to maintain anti-corruption policies; mutual co-operation with anti-corruption exercises; document does not prevent of reporting anti-corruption breaches; breach of section constitutes material breach.
  24. Anti-slavery: mutual assurance of compliance with anti-slavery laws;
     anti-slavery obligations for associated persons;
     to comply with 
     anti-slavery policy;
     to maintain anti-slavery policies; breach of section constitutes material breach.
  25. Anti-tax evasion: mutual assurance of compliance with anti-tax evasion laws;
     anti-tax evasion obligations for associated persons;
     to comply with 
     anti-tax evasion policy;
     to maintain anti-tax evasion policies; breach of section constitutes material breach.
  26. Notices: contractual notices must be in writing; methods of sending contractual notices; contact details for contractual notices; substitute contact details for notices; acknowledgement of notice by email; deemed receipt of contractual notices.
  27. Assignment: assignment by first party; assignment by second party.
  28. No waivers: no unwritten waivers of breach; no continuing waiver.
  29. Severability: severability of whole; severability of parts.
  30. Third party rights: third party rights: benefit; third party rights: exercise of rights.
  31. Variation: variation in writing and signed, subject to change control.
  32. Entire agreement: entire agreement: documents; no misrepresentation; section subject to caveats to limits of liability.
  33. Law and jurisdiction: governing law; jurisdiction.
  34. Interpretation: statutory references; section headings not affecting interpretation; calendar month meaning; no ejusdem generis.


  1. Specification of Products: specification of products prompt.
  2. Financial provisions: financial provisions prompt.


    Preamble to terms and conditions (products) .
  1. Supply: products to be delivered; products to be collected; product supply by instalments; are product supply dates of the essence?; postponement of product supply.
  2. Title: passage of title to products; products held by bailee; obligations during title retention; recovery of products where title retained; action for charges notwithstanding title retention.
  3. Warranties: first party product warranties; exclusion of implied warranties and representations.
  4. Breach of warranty: customer rights on breach of product warranty; procedure for returning products on breach of warranty.


  1. Introduction: title of change; change control notice number; change proposor; date of change control notice; summary of proposed change.
  2. Change details: insert details of change.
  3. Impact of Change: impact upon resources; impact upon timetable; impact upon charges; other effects of proposed change.
  4. Agreement to Change: acceptance of change by signature; form of signature block for first party; form of signature block for second party.
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