Services agreements
These services agreements may be used with respect to B2B services where the parties will sign a copy of the agreement and no special regulations (eg financial services regulations) apply to the services. A range of optional clauses allow the agreements to be adapted to cover a range of different services. Those optional clauses cover such matters as customer co-operation, deliverables, customer premises, customer-supplied materials, intellectual property rights and expenses. Mutual confidentiality clauses are included alongside a GDPR-style data processor clause.
Services agreement (standard)
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Version | 2.2 |
First published | 1 Sep 2016 |
Last updated | 7 Jan 2021 |
Word count | 10,504 |
Template pages | 22 |
Services agreement (premium)
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Version | 2.2 |
First published | 1 Sep 2016 |
Last updated | 7 Jan 2021 |
Word count | 12,461 |
Template pages | 28 |
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Services agreement (standard) contents
- Definitions: definitions.
- Term: commencement of term; end of term.
Services : obligation to provide services; standard of services; devotion of personnel to services; keeping customer informed of services; services: compliance with reasonable customer requests; services: compliance with internal policies.- Customerobligations: provision of co-operation etc by second party; second party responsible for third party co-operation.
- Deliverables: obligation to deliver deliverables; feedback on deliverables; timetable for delivery of deliverables; deliverables warranties.
: obligations of second party in relation to premises; compliance with policies at premises; securing means of access to premises.CustomerPremises- CustomerMaterials: supply of second party materials; licence ofCustomermaterials; warranties relating to second party materials.
Intellectual Property Rights : assignment of intellectual property rights in deliverables; licence to use deliverables; mixed assignment and licence of rights; licensing of third party materials; waiver of moral rights in deliverables; further assurance (intellectual property).- Charges: obligation to pay charges; time-base charges limitations; amounts inclusive or exclusive of VAT; variation of charges.
- Expenses: obligation to reimburse expenses; collection of evidence of expenses; supply of evidence of expenses.
- Payments: issue of invoices; time for payment of charges following invoice; payment methods; interest on late payments.
- Confidentiality obligations: first party confidentiality undertaking; second party confidentiality undertaking; disclosure of confidential information to certain persons; exceptions to confidentiality obligations; disclosures of confidential information mandated by law etc; parties to stop using confidential information upon termination; parties to delete confidential information following termination; confidentiality obligations after termination.
- Data protection: compliance with data protection laws; warranty of Customer's right to disclose personal data (GDPR); details of personal data processed bythe Provider(GDPR); purposes of processing of personal data bythe Provider(GDPR); duration of personal data processing byProvider(GDPR); personal data processed byProvideron instructions (GDPR); authorised international transfers of personal data (GDPR); informingCustomerof illegal instructions (GDPR); personal data processed byProvideras required by law (GDPR); confidentiality obligations onProviderpersons processing personal data (GDPR); security of personal data processed byProvider(GDPR); appointment of sub-processor byProvider(GDPR); authorisation forProviderto appoint sub-processors (GDPR);Providerto assist with exercise of data subject rights (GDPR);Providerto assist with compliance (GDPR); obligation to notifyCustomerof personal data breach (GDPR);Providerto provide data protection compliance information (GDPR); deletion of personal data byProvider(GDPR);Providerto allow audit (GDPR); changes to data protection law.
- Warranties: first party general warranties; second party warranty of authority; exclusion of implied warranties and representations.
- Indemnities: first party indemnifies second party upon breach (deliverables); conditions upon first party indemnity; second party indemnifies first party upon breach; conditions upon second party indemnity; limitations of liability vs indemnities.
- Limitations and exclusions of liability: caveats to limits of liability; interpretation of limits of liability; no liability for force majeure; no liability for loss of profits; no liability for loss of revenue; no liability for loss of use; no liability for loss of opportunities; no liability for loss of data or software; no liability for consequential loss; per event liability cap upon services contract; aggregate liability cap upon services contract.
Force Majeure Event : obligations suspended for force majeure; force majeure notification and information; mitigation of effects of force majeure.- Termination: termination without cause by first party; termination without cause by second party; termination by first party upon breach; termination by second party upon breach; termination upon insolvency.
- Effects of termination: surviving provisions upon termination; termination does not affect accrued rights.
- Notices: methods and deemed receipt of contractual notices; contact details for contractual notices; substitute contact details for notices.
- Subcontracting: no subcontracting without consent; subcontracting permitted; first party responsible for subcontracted obligations.
- General: no waiver; severability; variation written and signed; no assignment without written consent; no third party rights; entire agreement; governing law; exclusive jurisdiction.
- Interpretation: statutory references; section headings not affecting interpretation; calendar month meaning; no ejusdem generis.
- Specification of
Services : specification of services prompt. - Specification of
Deliverables : specification of deliverables prompt. - Timetable: timetable prompt.
: second party materials prompt.CustomerMaterials- Financial provisions: financial provisions prompt.
- Categories of data subject: prompt for categories of data subject.
- Types of
Personal Data : prompt for types of personal data. - Purposes of processing: prompt for personal data processing purposes.
- Security measures for
Personal Data : prompt for security measures for personal data. - Sub-processors of Personal Data: prompt for identifying sub-processors of personal data.
Services agreement (premium) contents
- Definitions: definitions.
- Term: commencement of term; end of term.
Services : obligation to provide services; standard of services; devotion of personnel to services; keeping customer informed of services; services: compliance with reasonable customer requests; services: compliance with internal policies.- Customerobligations: provision of co-operation etc by second party; second party responsible for third party co-operation.
- Deliverables: obligation to deliver deliverables; feedback on deliverables; timetable for delivery of deliverables; deliverables warranties.
: obligations of second party in relation to premises; compliance with policies at premises; securing means of access to premises.CustomerPremises- CustomerMaterials: supply of second party materials; licence ofCustomermaterials; warranties relating to second party materials.
Intellectual Property Rights : assignment of intellectual property rights in deliverables; licence to use deliverables; mixed assignment and licence of rights; licensing of third party materials; waiver of moral rights in deliverables; further assurance (intellectual property).Change control: application of section to change requests; request changes at any time; change control notice to be in designated form; actions upon receipt of a change control notice; changes only take effect upon agreement of CCN.- Charges: obligation to pay charges; time-base charges limitations; amounts inclusive or exclusive of VAT; variation of charges.
- Expenses: obligation to reimburse expenses; collection of evidence of expenses; supply of evidence of expenses.
- Timesheets: obligation to keep timesheets; obligation to supply timesheets.
- Payments: issue of invoices; time for payment of charges following invoice; payment methods; interest on late payments.
- Non-solicitation: restrictions on Provider: non-solicitation restrictions period; non-solicitation restrictions on first party; non-solicitation restrictions on affiliates; restrictions in section are reasonable; general exception to non-solicitation restrictions.
- Non-solicitation: restrictions on Customer: non-solicitation restrictions period; non-solicitation restrictions on second party; non-solicitation restrictions on affiliates; restrictions in section are reasonable; general exception to non-solicitation restrictions.
- Confidentiality obligations: first party confidentiality undertaking; second party confidentiality undertaking; disclosure of confidential information to certain persons; exceptions to confidentiality obligations; disclosures of confidential information mandated by law etc; parties to stop using confidential information upon termination; parties to delete confidential information following termination; confidentiality obligations after termination.
- Publicity: limited public disclosures; limited public disclosures by first party; limited public disclosures by second party; confidentiality obligations overriding.
- Data protection: compliance with data protection laws; warranty of Customer's right to disclose personal data (GDPR); details of personal data processed bythe Provider(GDPR); purposes of processing of personal data bythe Provider(GDPR); duration of personal data processing byProvider(GDPR); personal data processed byProvideron instructions (GDPR); authorised international transfers of personal data (GDPR); informingCustomerof illegal instructions (GDPR); personal data processed byProvideras required by law (GDPR); confidentiality obligations onProviderpersons processing personal data (GDPR); security of personal data processed byProvider(GDPR); appointment of sub-processor byProvider(GDPR); authorisation forProviderto appoint sub-processors (GDPR);Providerto assist with exercise of data subject rights (GDPR);Providerto assist with compliance (GDPR); obligation to notifyCustomerof personal data breach (GDPR);Providerto provide data protection compliance information (GDPR); deletion of personal data byProvider(GDPR);Providerto allow audit (GDPR); changes to data protection law.
- Warranties: first party general warranties; second party warranty of authority; exclusion of implied warranties and representations.
- Indemnities: first party indemnifies second party upon breach (deliverables); conditions upon first party indemnity; second party indemnifies first party upon breach; conditions upon second party indemnity; limitations of liability vs indemnities.
- Limitations and exclusions of liability: caveats to limits of liability; interpretation of limits of liability; no liability for force majeure; no liability for loss of profits; no liability for loss of revenue; no liability for loss of use; no liability for loss of opportunities; no liability for loss of data or software; no liability for consequential loss; per event liability cap upon services contract; aggregate liability cap upon services contract.
Force Majeure Event : obligations suspended for force majeure; force majeure notification and information; mitigation of effects of force majeure.- Termination: termination without cause by first party; termination without cause by second party; termination by first party upon breach; termination by second party upon breach; termination upon insolvency.
- Effects of termination: surviving provisions upon termination; termination does not affect accrued rights.
- Notices: contractual notices must be in writing; methods of sending contractual notices; contact details for contractual notices; substitute contact details for notices; acknowledgement of notice by email; deemed receipt of contractual notices.
- Subcontracting: no subcontracting without consent; subcontracting permitted; first party responsible for subcontracted obligations.
- Assignment: assignment by first party; assignment by second party.
- No waivers: no unwritten waivers of breach; no continuing waiver.
- Severability: severability of whole; severability of parts.
- Third party rights: third party rights: benefit; third party rights: exercise of rights.
- Variation: variation in writing and signed, subject to change control.
- Entire agreement: entire agreement: documents; no misrepresentation; section subject to caveats to limits of liability.
- Law and jurisdiction: governing law; jurisdiction.
- Interpretation: statutory references; section headings not affecting interpretation; calendar month meaning; no ejusdem generis.
- Specification of
Services : specification of services prompt. - Specification of
Deliverables : specification of deliverables prompt. - Timetable: timetable prompt.
: second party materials prompt.CustomerMaterials- Financial provisions: financial provisions prompt.
- Introduction: title of change; change control notice number; change proposor; date of change control notice; summary of proposed change.
Change details: insert details of change.- Impact of
Change : impact upon resources; impact upon timetable; impact upon charges; other effects of proposed change. - Agreement to
Change : acceptance of change by signature; form of signature block for first party; form of signature block for second party.
- Categories of data subject: prompt for categories of data subject.
- Types of
Personal Data : prompt for types of personal data. - Purposes of processing: prompt for personal data processing purposes.
- Security measures for
Personal Data : prompt for security measures for personal data. - Sub-processors of Personal Data: prompt for identifying sub-processors of personal data.