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Sponsorship agreement (premium)

We created this premium sponsorship contract template for use in relation to a wide variety of different kinds of sponsorship arrangement. The basic idea of a sponsorship arrangement is the payment of money (which may be a single payment or multiple payments) in consideration for the provision of sponsorship benefits. As with our standard sponsorship agreement, this contract template may be used in relation to sponsored projects, individuals, events, teams and locations.

Many sponsorship arrangements involve the use of the sponsor's trade marks in ways which could, but for a trade mark licence, infringe those trade marks. Accordingly, a reasonably detailed trade mark licensing section is included.

In addition to the provisions in the standard document, this contract template includes an optional trade mark cross-licence (ie a licence of the trade marks of the person being sponsored to the sponsor), exclusivity and non-exclusivity provisions, more detailed indemnities and limitations and exclusions of liability, and confidentiality provisions.

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Sponsorship agreement (premium) contents

  1. Definitions: definitions.
  2. Term: commencement of term; end of term.
  3. Sponsorship benefits: grant of sponsorship benefits; standard of provision of sponsorship benefits; non-material variation of sponsorship benefits; substitution of sponsorship benefits; breach consequential upon other party's breach.
  4. Exclusivity: exclusivity of sponsorship for second party; no restriction on third party sponsors; limited restrictions on appointment of third party sponsors; limitations on sponsor.
  5. Sponsor
    Trade Marks
    provision of trade marks; licence to use sponsor trade marks; trade mark style guide; standard of use of trade marks; prohibition on actions liable to damage trade marks; goodwill in trade marks; specific request to cease use of trade marks; warranty of trade marks non-infringement; no implied rights to trade marks; trade marks upon termination.
  6. Organiser
    Trade Marks
    provision of trade marks; licence to use organiser trade marks (sponsorship); trade mark style guide; standard of use of trade marks; prohibition on actions liable to damage trade marks; goodwill in trade marks; specific request to cease use of trade marks; warranty of trade marks non-infringement; no implied rights to trade marks; trade marks upon termination.
  7. Reputation and goodwill: protection of second party reputation and goodwill; protection of first party reputation and goodwill.
  8. Charges: obligation to pay charges; amounts inclusive or exclusive of VAT.
  9. Payments: issue of invoices; time for payment of charges following invoice; payment methods; interest on late payments; interest on late payments.
  10. Confidentiality obligations:
    confidentiality undertaking;
    confidentiality undertaking; disclosure of confidential information to certain persons; exceptions to confidentiality obligations; disclosures of confidential information mandated by law etc; parties to stop using confidential information upon termination; parties to delete confidential information following termination; confidentiality obligations after termination.
  11. Warranties: first party warranty of authority; second party warranty of authority; exclusion of implied warranties and representations.
  12. Third party infringement of
    Trade Marks
    notification of third party trade mark infringement; application of Section 30 of the Trade Marks Act 1994; assistance with third party trade mark infringement.
  13. Third party infringement of
    Trade Marks
    notification of third party trade mark infringement; application of Section 30 of the Trade Marks Act 1994; assistance with third party trade mark infringement.
  14. Indemnities: indemnity (flexible, with definition); conditions upon first party indemnity; indemnity (flexible, with definition); conditions upon second party indemnity; limitations of liability vs indemnities.
  15. Limitations and exclusions of liability: caveats to limits of liability; interpretation of limits of liability; no liability for force majeure; no liability for loss of profits; no liability for loss of revenue; no liability for loss of use; no liability for loss of opportunities; no liability for loss of data or software; no liability for consequential loss; per event liability cap upon services contract; aggregate liability cap upon services contract.
  16. Force Majeure Event: obligations suspended for force majeure; force majeure notification and information; mitigation of effects of force majeure.
  17. Termination: termination without cause by first party; termination without cause by second party; termination by first party upon breach; termination by second party upon breach; termination upon insolvency.
  18. Effects of termination: surviving provisions upon termination; termination does not affect accrued rights.
  19. Notices: contractual notices must be in writing; methods of sending contractual notices; contact details for contractual notices; substitute contact details for notices; acknowledgement of notice by email; deemed receipt of contractual notices.
  20. Assignment: assignment by first party; assignment by second party.
  21. No waivers: no unwritten waivers of breach; no continuing waiver.
  22. Severability: severability of whole; severability of parts.
  23. Third party rights: third party rights: benefit; third party rights: exercise of rights.
  24. Variation: variation in writing and signed.
  25. Entire agreement: entire agreement: documents; no misrepresentation; section subject to caveats to limits of liability.
  26. Law and jurisdiction: governing law; jurisdiction.
  27. Interpretation: statutory references; section headings not affecting interpretation; calendar month meaning; no ejusdem generis.


  1. Specification of sponsorship benefits: specification of sponsorship benefits prompt.
  2. Financial provisions: financial provisions prompt.
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